Friday, January 29, 2010

State of the Union

I survived the State of the Union, though I did hear someone say he almost hit 100 counts of self mentioning. I watched Bob McDonnell's rebuttal and plenty of analysis of both speeches. All of it has had my wheels turning for a few days.

Obama's speech was unnerving in many ways. For starters, much of what he said was a repeat of past speeches. He threw a couple of crumbs to Republicans in the form of energy, tax breaks for small businesses, and a few other token items. He also omitted terrorism all together, which he had to because he is failing miserably on terrorism.

That goes to my point: watch what he does. He can't even talk about terrorism because his actions have been reprehensible and there is no amount of glittery speech making that can cover it up. I think it is great that Americans tuned in on Wednesday. They are trying to be informed. The more difficult task is ahead though. It is so hard to really pay attention enough to know what is happening.

Did any of you know that a $154 billion jobs bill went through in mid-December? I sure didn't I was busy celebrating the Christmas season with my family as were you, and they knew it. That bill simply refills some areas that have gone empty since the bogus $787 billion spent last February, but there is a favorite newbie:

The bill also allows very poor people with as little as no income to claim a $1,000-per-child tax credit in what Republicans charged was simply a welfare payment to 16 million poor families.
Excellent. See what I mean? WATCH and learn. Speeches are great for boredom, and the analysis may be oddly entertaining to weirdos like me, but the real proof is in the pudding. I have a feeling Congress will still try in various ways to get all of their liberal initiatives passed, even if just in small bits and pieces attached to other benign sounding bills. They're crooks.

To clarify on why my mean selfish self does not like the government sending $1000 checks per baby to the poor:
  1. This sort of policy is widely abused and the encourages people to have babies for a check when they have no intention of loving them, teaching them, or caring for their many needs. That further burdens the system and further devalues the miracle of life.
  2. It is unconstitutional for the government to take my money to give to someone else.
  3. I believe we should all help the poor and if we don't we will be held accountable before our Maker after this life for not showing charity to those who need it most. That's just it though - it's my job, not the government's. Sometimes I wish you were required to pay a fee for voting for a Democrat. I mean, everyone who voted these jokers into action in effect voted for the government to take my money to "give to the poor" and if I don't comply, I go to jail. Put your money where your mouth is, get out there, and give your own money away.
  4. Unconstitutional!