Wednesday, January 13, 2010


On occasion, I like to introduce word definitions to the blog. In politics, there are words out there that I think most of us know the meaning of. If we don't know the exact definition, we know enough about the English language to derive the general meaning.

Yesterday I was listening to a reporter discuss one of the latest bright ideas of the Obama administration: bank fees for 2011 totaling about $100 billion dollars. Rumor has it that reports will soon be released for 2009 boasting heavy profits and perhaps even (gasp) bonuses will go to those who are responsible. So, they must be punished! The administration is not bothering to point out that unlike other industries (GM, AIG), most of the banks have paid back their TARP money plus interest.

Multiple times in the report, the journalist used the word "populism" and something about his use made me think there was more meaning to the word than my own interpretation of the administration doing what was popular. So, thanks to


1. A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite.

2. The movement organized around this philosophy.

Aha...The government needs money. The banks are known for paying up. There is a widespread movement in this country against those who have money. The government plans to use this ideological movement to their political advantage to gain public support for a plan that unfairly punishes banks who have performed well under difficult circumstances. Wow. The power of a word to open your eyes.

When did Americans start this crazy "take from the top" mentality? Is this the result of watching ridiculous reality shows about lazy rich people in their ridiculously decked out homes? Does America think that is how you get rich?

Along the same rant, Obama met with unions this week to discuss health care. One of the union representatives interviewed about it touted the importance of making sure that "working people's" needs are met in this legislation. Again, the politics of words. I'm so sick of unions claiming they represent "working people." People all over the country are fending for their own benefits and salaries every day as they work to try to hang on to their job. They don't have a fat union watching over them, so I guess they are not really "working?" Nobody is at the table for them in this health care scam.

I think it is most important to realize that the government only uses this ideology to gain power. They are not ACTUALLY going to take from the "haves" and give it to the "have-nots." They just use it to sell their government expansion policies.