Thursday, January 7, 2010


A friend forwarded this to me today and it made me laugh. Since it seems to be unusually cold everywhere, I think all will enjoy this today.

Now, let me give you a heads up: It will warm up in a few months. Then we will be paying unusually high prices for produce due to the damaged crops this month. While those of us willing to pay the price for fresh produce (in order to maintain our own good health) are paying the higher prices, the now-warm Democrats will be figuring out ways to send more of our money to the farmers who lost their crops. I doubt the farmers will seen a dime, but this will enable legislators to fund a global warming study and put a little cash into the pockets of the green intellectuals who vote for them. Those are, after all, some of the few jobs that have been "saved" in all of this nonsense. Saved until their grant money runs out, at least. Capitalism is really far simpler. Really!