Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brown vs. Coakley

Today, for me, is almost the equivalent of this past Sunday for Cowboys fans. Let's hope things go differently for those of us rooting for this guy than they did for the Cowboys!

Last night, even the most liberal polls were showing Scott Brown in a neck and neck race with his Democratic opponent, Martha Coakley. Other polls showed him up as much as 9 points. All of that is meaningless if the voters don't get out and vote so we'll just see what happens today. Watch the news when you get the chance!

People from all over the country have been sending his campaign money and making calls to voters from the comfort of their home. I tried to sign up to do this, but maybe I was too late because they never sent me a password to sign into the phone bank.

In any event - there is a chance a Republican could win Ted Kennedy's senate seat today. Talk about history. Could be a cool day. Could be business as usual. I'm crossing my fingers that even liberal Massachusetts would like to send a message to the growing beast of a federal government we have. Oh, and in case you are not aware, Ted Kennedy's seat is also the 60th vote needed to pass Obamacare. If Brown wins, Republicans make up 41 votes and will actually have some degree of an impact on policy between now and November. Kind of important.

Enjoy the game! :)