Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I hope you all enjoyed the news tonight as much as I did. I sat in a chair "reading" an audio book for my book club this week as I watched the votes come in and occasionally hit pause to listen to a commentator, concession speech, or victory speech. A Republican took the Senate seat held by Democrat Ted Kennedy for over 50 years tonight. In a Democratic state. There are twice as many Democrats in Massachusetts than there are Republicans.

Brown won tonight because the supporters he had were passionate. The Obama-Pelosi-Reid government that is shoving policies we can't afford in our faces, all the while reducing our individual liberties, is evoking a depth of emotion I don't think has even come full swing. If they're not sure how Americans feel, they'll know after they try some foolish antic like resolution on the health care bill. People are going to go nuts, and I think I may just join them.

It's gone beyond policy or political affiliation. I've heard Democrats all week talking about reconciliation. When asked if they would do it, knowing that the majority of Americans oppose the bill, they say yes. Their reason - they know what we need better than we do. At this point I think they could introduce the most conservative sensible legislation possible and nobody would pay attention because they have sold their credibility. The mere fact that they are willing to go against the will of the people means they are unfit to run the country.

I hope the Democrats are smarter than all of this. I really hope they wise up and listen to Americans. We're so forgiving, really. Just say you were wrong and change your ways. Transparency, know, some of those fancy words you threw around during the campaign?

*I'm too tired to make sure I have the official definition of reconciliation for you. In a nutshell, it's a loop hole procedure that allows proposed legislation to become law without the traditionally needed majority. My understanding is that it was created for times of emergency, like war, when decisions need to be made and money often needs to be spent quickly without time for discussion and voting. NOT for passing massive overhauls of the economy and fundamentally changing America.

**Correction to my first paragraph - 3 times as many Democrats in MA as Republicans. 12% of the voter population is Republican.