Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace EFFORT Prize

TIME magazine's online header this morning:

"Obama Wins the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for Effort"

The first paragraph of this article touches on some of the things running through my mind right now, only nicer: "The Nobel committee awarded the 2009 Peace Prize to President Barack Obama Friday in a prospective, premature accolade normally reserved for those who have accomplished considerable, tangible results in the pursuit of peace."

Ooh ooh, there's more: "he has attempted to reinvigorate international agreements limiting nuclear weapons." Yeah, he's made a HUGE impact in Iran. So obvious by their recent announcements of nuclear capabilities.

I'm sorry, why did Barack Obama win this award??

(Thiandian News, Zurich) "...for his extra ordinary dialogue in the world, for the way in which he was solving conflicts thru negotiations." Oh, yes. I forgot how very gifted he is in giving speeches.

(Reuters) "...for offering the world hope and striving for nuclear disarmament"

Of course I love that Fox News pointed out the nomination deadline of February 1st. So he was nominated based on his campaign. I guess the whole world bought the Obama package hook, line, and sinker.

So, the Nobel Peace Prize went to a President who is currently leading two wars and has yet to do anything but talk about his ideas for peace. The committee even admits that he got the award for nothing more than trying. Today, children everywhere participate in sporting events where everyone gets trophies. Gifted and talented classes are being eliminated in favor of leaving no child behind. The November 9th, 2008 post-election headlines were "Anybody Can Be President." Today we have yet another example of how you don't actually have to do anything or accomplish anything to get a huge pat on the back. Barack Obama got an "E" for effort today. My job as a mother trying to raise productive children just got a little more difficult.

*Disclaimer: I'm not really sure how important or credible the Nobel Peace Prize is anyway since the last United States President to receive the award was Jimmy Carter.


Unknown said...

I enjoyed this one! Last paragraph especially! Keep blogging!