Wednesday, October 14, 2009

As a Mom...

On September 25th Glenn Beck hosted a show completely dedicated to mothers who are concerned about the direction our country is heading. It was really good. I actually try not to watch Glenn Beck lately. He makes my blood pressure rise too high, and at a bad time of day for me - 4 p.m. That's a time when mom needs to be very patient, not stressing out about the uprising of Socialism in America...still, I turned it on that day to watch because I was really excited about the idea. 15 minutes into it, Obama came on to speak about something. It must have been important because I can't remember what he was speaking about.

In any event - Obama ruined that day's showing and it was shown again the next Monday. The next day, as inspired by the show, a woman started a forum for mothers called As a Mom...A Sisterhood of Mommy Patriots. It's kind of like Facebook, only it's hosted on Ning and it's only moms talking about their political and social concerns as conservative moms. Tuesday, the day the site went up - just two weeks ago, there were two members. Today there are almost 48,000. I think it's pretty cool.

Click here to check it out.