Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Winston-Salem, NC Tea Party

I just got back from my local Tax Day Tea Party and I'm so glad I went. There are most definitely a LOT of citizens out there scratching their heads at what's happening in Washington and it was refreshing to see them. They estimated about 600 were at this event. I've never been to a "protest" but I had a vision in my head of fringe outcasts or something, especially with the way the media has been portraying this. Not so here.

The party was over most people's lunch breaks. Hmmm, I guess that's because they have jobs and pay taxes? You could tell a lot of attendees were there from work. Lots of veterans, retirees, grandparents with grandchildren in tow, parents with children in tow, college students, etc. No crazies there either...just regular, hard working Americans who want to preserve their Constitutional rights. They had music and face painting too, which was a nice touch.

Some of my favorite signs:

I think I saw about 2 1/2 people trying to protest the protest. They carried Barack Obama bumper stickers. I should have taken their picture to make them feel like their effort was worth while. I think they were disarmed a little bit at the organization of our event, which looked more like a Fourth of July celebration than a protest. I saw some serious patriotism today and it made me proud.

If anyone wants to email me pictures from their party, I'll post them here!


BandHGardner said...

I LOVE the Kool-Aid poster. So, so funny.

Great job on this blog. I'm glad I've finally taken a look-see.

Mom of 2 Cuties said...

I, too, got a kick out of the kool-aid poster! I think that is awesome that you went and took part of something great!