Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Need Understanding?

I escaped the fact that my children were not napping as needed (by me) today to the tune of a diet coke, brownie, and a quick read on nationalized health care by Steve Forbes, editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine. Sidenote - my husband calls Forbes magazine the equivalent of People magazine for money. I'm not sure what level that puts my blog writing on...

If you would like to educate yourself quickly on what conservatives mean when they say that Obama is going to socialize medicine, this is worth the few minutes. It's short and simple (like People magazine, remember?) I also like that it poses ideas for alternatives instead of simply putting down an idea. A little creativity goes a long way in problem solving.

Click here for the read. Oh, and definitely grab a brownie and a diet coke. :)


Mom of 2 Cuties said...

That was a great article, probably would of been better w/ a diet coke or a brownie:) It scares me to think of what this could mean for all of us!