Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Why Go Out?

So why would I, or you, leave the comfort of my usual routine tomorrow - more than likely with small children in tow - to attend a Tax Day Tea Party? I'll tell you what I think.

The top 10% of earners in this country pay 70% of the taxes. That's the current situation without factoring in the unbridled spending that happened post-Obama-inauguration. That is without the promised changes to the tax code that are coming down the pipeline, as well as promises for major spending on healthcare and the environment. After the past two months, we have no reason to believe that such initiatives cannot be passed on their own, as singularly expensive as each of them may be, without every politician in Washington making sure their neighborhood gets some new flowerbeds. Further, those flowerbeds will have to be constructed and maintained only by companies who employ unionized workers or illegal aliens.

I was shocked in November when the Obama-Biden-Reid-Pelosi organization was given what appears to be more power than I thought was possible in our system of checks and balances. I couldn't believe this was what Americans really wanted and I still don't believe it. That's why I'm going out tomorrow. I think good people were misled by the Obama campaign and their kindergartenesque "can't we all just get along" slogans while the Republican Party failed to produce a viable candidate worth voting for. Now, it seems that the politicians in Washington think that getting voted in meant we the people gave up our voice. Not so.

The message tomorrow: Stop excessive and unfair taxation. Rein in government spending.

I contacted the organizers of my local Tax Day Tea Party and was assured of a few points many might be interested in - the event is planned and organized with all necessary permits. There will be speakers, press, and children are welcome.

Go to to find out if there is one near you to check out. You might be surprised that there is one 15 minutes from you. There are an estimated 700-800 parties happening tomorrow!

Random Tea Party Goers you may have heard of:

Governor Rick Perry (Fort Worth, TX Party)
U.S. Rep. Ron Paul (Seabrook, TX Party)
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (Atlanta, GA Party)
Sean Hannity (Atlanta, GA Party)
Neil Cavuto (Sacramento, CA Party)
Glenn Beck (San Antonio, TX Party)

That's all the time have today, but tomorrow I'll post pictures!