Monday, September 28, 2009

Crazy Right Wing Radical

I sent this in to the Dallas Morning news a few weeks ago. When I didn't hear back, I thought "I must really be a crazy right wing radical!" Then I turned on the news and realized how many other people were reacting similarly. Now I'm thinking I didn't make the news because I sounded just like everyone else! So - if you had some thoughts on the matter that made you a little crazy (like me!) feel free to share.

Jimmy Carter caught my attention this week in his interview with NBC's Brian Williams. The former Democratic President stated that an "overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man." While there have been numerous headlines over the past nine months that made my head turn, this one invoked the deepest reaction.

I am white. I have some very intense animosity toward President Obama. I've even "demonstrated" it peacefully in writing and in attendance at various events. Race has nothing to do with it. Seriously, who has the time to stop and notice the President's race? The bailouts he claimed were so critical earlier this year baffled me by their recklessness, speed, and lack of common economic sense. I worried for myself, my parents, my siblings, and my children. That was only the beginning of my feelings of animosity.

As our economy has continued to spin downward, those of us in my family who have jobs are quietly hoping and praying to keep them. Others are working towards finishing schooling they had hoped would give them an advantage. We're all now learning that in the new Obama America of "spreading the wealth", hard work and playing by the rules doesn't get you very far. We are too young to have any wealth to date, but it doesn't look as if we will get there. We are not greedy. We are actually very civic minded and try to give back to our community. Even in my most philanthropic moments I've never had any desire to simply turn over hard earned money to bureaucracy thousands of miles away. I have some animosity towards a president who thinks he has the right to take from me and do what he pleases.

Before the dust can settle on one way that the Obama Administration's policies are hurting me, another one crops up. Enter in Cap and Trade. This will raise my everyday costs. As it kills more jobs than it creates, Texas will suffer. I see the struggles of my family and friends with the already difficult economic circumstances and I have some animosity towards a President who places greater value on highly politicized environmental policy than people. Can President Barack Obama find another way to mess with my life?

Of course! Right now it would seem that our family's livelihood rests in his hands regarding healthcare reform. We have made a lot of hard choices, sacrificed years, and spent a large amount of money in pursuit of medical training. The thought that it may lead to a position of government employment, lack of professional autonomy and less ability to deliver quality care is disheartening. Looming in the back of our minds is also a knowledge that the reimbursement we need to pay off our loans and begin saving for things we haven't been able to save for may never been realized. Every day I feel stress about this. I feel intense animosity.

This Administration has done more to create stress, worry, and fear in my life than any threat of terrorism ever has.

Racial, no. Deeply personal, yes.


bcmagg said...

"Others are working towards finishing schooling they had hoped would give them an advantage.." - nicely stated

Texas Blad's said...

Well said.

larshannon said...

Cap and Trade is one way to see the Dr Jekyll Mr. Hyde transformation in me.

I enjoy reading your insights even if my blood pressure rises each time.