Monday, June 15, 2009

Food for Thought

Chew on this...

Obama on health care:

“A big part of what led General Motors and Chrysler into trouble,” he said, “were the huge costs they racked up providing health care for their workers — costs that made them less profitable and less competitive with automakers around the world.”

“If we do not fix our health care system,” Obama said, “America may go the way of GM — paying more, getting less, and going broke.”

So many things wrong here...anyone care to start listing?


Melissa Wilson said...

I just read about 5 posts and I LOVE it. Keep up the good work, Julie and tell us what we can do to make a difference locally!

The information is interesting but it seems unreal to me that America can be so blind about healthcare reform. As I talk with others, it amazes me how many people just don't care or quietly hope that it is a bad dream that will end soon.

Thanks for doing the research and letting us benefit from it!