Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jobs Saved

My focus right now is on health care, but it is hard not to pick up tidbits here and there of other topics. I'll tie this into health care for you.

Back when the Obama Administration first started shoving trillions of dollars worth of debt in the form of a "stimulus" down our throats, they sold it under the guise of "saving or creating jobs". The first time I heard this statement my head spun, but it seemed I was the only one. Silly me, I figured others would catch maybe some of the people interviewing him? Alas, months have gone by and the unemployment rate is approaching 10% and Obama is still praising himself for all the jobs he has saved.

Here's my health care tie-in: If I tried to prove to you how healthy I was by giving you an impressive list of all the diseases I have NOT had, would you be sold?

Why are people buying this? "Saved" jobs are not a quantifiable.


Serena said...

What gets me is we have government run Medicare and Medicaid, and all those programs to help people who can't afford healthcare. Those programs are NOT doing well! Yet, we think we can create ANOTHER government health care initiative because it will work this time? So does that mean Medicare/Medicaid/CHIP/foodstamps etc etc etc will disappear? No. Of course not. Let's keep disabling the population who can't seem to get on their own two feet, or who don't want to since they get free money. UGH.