Sunday, May 2, 2010

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is one of those topics I just can't believe we are still talking about. All of the other developed countries have immigration laws they enforce and nobody is crying about it. It's beyond me how people can think they should gather together as law breakers this past weekend in protests about immigration reform. Here in Dallas, it was estimated that around 20,000 people marched through downtown. I knew a few citizens who could not go to work on Saturday because of the illegal march.

The Dallas folks were bright enough to only bring American flags, but I loved this picture of a rally held elsewhere with a Mexican flag. I have no words...

American citizens should hold their own protest in favor of people who break the law, live, and work here illegally. Maybe we should hold a protest in favor of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's recent law that makes it a state crime to be in the United States illegally.

I got dumber just writing that last sentence. So much is wrong with the fact that I remember a day when breaking a federal law was a bigger deal than a state law. And did someone really just make a law that makes it illegal to break the law? Huh?

I like that Governor Brewer is trying to be tough on this ridiculous issue. The part of her law that really gets me is controversy over local and state law enforcement being able to question people about their immigration status if there is a reason to suspect they're in the country illegally. Everyone is upset because this will encourage racial profiling. Governor Brewer was called a Nazi all weekend.

Even the President of the United States is using this to toy with the emotions of the ignorant. He's making speeches riddled with stories of innocent family outings being disrupted by police because of race. There is a small part of me that still believes the President of the United States would never be so blatantly dishonest with people in order to win them over. This is the curse of ignorance in our country. Those who speak and read English, don't bother being informed. Those who enter the country (legally or illegally) are being encouraged to continue with their own language. This breeds the kind of mass ignorance we saw this weekend.

Bottom line: you have to commit a crime to be asked for your immigration documentation. Nobody's going to stop the guy having ice cream with his child just because he's Hispanic (Obama's story, not mine!)

Cries against racial profiling from groups of people who represent trouble for the rest of us are absurd. Racism is distinguishing between people by race. If we can't distinguish illegal Mexicans by race, what can we use?

One word of hope - at least here in Dallas, they expected at least 100,000 people and only got 20,000 out. Four years ago a similar rally had over 300,000 people in attendance. Maybe things look different now because American citizens want the jobs illegals are holding hostage?