Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sickening, Really!

Watching things unfold on the House Floor right now only reinforces my respect for some of these political commentators who go on the air right after a speech. I am totally speechless. Breathe. Okay, now some thoughts.

The negotiations that took place in the past few days blew my mind. The methods being used tonight are historical. The Constitution of the United States was completely trashed tonight by the people who are in control. Scary time we live in. John Boehner pointed out that the passing of this bill was historically changing what our forefathers intended for our country. I couldn't agree more.

Then, to sit and listen to Nancy Pelosi fling statements like "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" and "entrepreneurship friendly" was almost more than I could stand. The specific use of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was a slap in the face of conservatives everywhere who hold the language of the Bill of Rights up as their own guide for how the government should behave. "Health care for all" will bring our citizens greater happiness, so we're in line with the intent of the Bill of Rights?

As I was watching Pelosi tonight, it was hard not to wonder about the numbers. Everyone is so absorbed with the 45 million people who do not have coverage...The 31 Million who will supposedly be covered by this bill. What about everyone else? Do any of my friends who back the Democratic party realize that THEIR lives will not be improved? The majority of working, voting, Americans will pay for this. You can't force the insurance companies to take everyone, and force everyone to buy insurance, without some backlash. You can't have a socialized industry properly functioning in a capitalist society. And this "entrepreneurship friendly" business...good grief. That's the last thing they want to see. I HATE being lied to.

The immediate effects of this bill - all of the things that will hit first - will come across as positive to the American people. I'm not sure anyone will remember all of the negative things set to go into effect in 2014, 2 years after election time (little things like taxes on YOUR health care policy.) I am committed to reminding people. I'll be remembering as my taxes start climbing in 2011.

I learned something today too. I've always wondered why the Pro-Life/Pro-Choice debate was so big in the political spectrum. I mean, I understood to some degree but I felt like it was overplayed. This bill passed today because the Pro-Life Democrats (whatever that is) were bought out. Strange that it played such a role today.

Al Sharpton is on FoxNews...I need to check out before Obama comes on and makes my stomach virus flare back up!


Em said...

I knew you would have something to say about this! Facebook was going crazy with people's statuses (remember, I live under a rock), so while lying in bed, first thing I did this morning was tune in to Julie's blog.

While I'm embarrassed to say I don't know much of what is going on, I can say this: let's just pack up and move to Playa Del Carmen.