Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Action Time, Again

Doesn't it seem like liberal Democrats are simply trying to wear us out? I mean, are we really having this scene play out again this week? The Tea Party is in Washington rallying today. I wish I could be there just for the camaraderie so I don't feel like I'm losing my marbles as I watch the insanity unfolding on the health care bill this week. I drove past a number of empty GM dealerships this past week between Dallas and Houston. It only made me angry thinking about how successful dealerships were just arbitrarily chosen to shut down because the government said so. Anyone foolish enough to think that their quality of life will improve with the government playing a larger role in their healthcare is living in the clouds. Just drive by an empty dealership that has been stripped down to the light pole stubs and see where we are heading.

The Democrats are threatening to ram the Senate bill from last fall down our throats with reconciliation. They will all "deem it passed" which they claim is not actually voting FOR it. In the meantime, some of the congressmen who were once "no" votes are being swayed by various things into a "yes" vote. Maybe the SIEU and their threats to flood their opponents campaigns with money if they vote against the bill? That could be effective, who knows. Here are four former "no" votes who are leaning towards "yes" due to the current political pressure from Obama, fellow Democrats, unions, whoever else stands to make a ton of money from this bill, etc. Pretty much everyone but their constituents are swaying their opinion. If you'd like to have a say, give them a call or send a fax. Especially target Rep. Altmire from Pennsylvannia.

It seems redundant, but I guess if they want to keep asking the same dumb question we have to keep giving them the same solid answer. Keep up the pressure!

Rep. John Boccieri, Ohio, 16th
DC Office Number: (202) 225-3876, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-3059
Local Office Number: (330) 489-4414, Local Fax Number: (330) 489-4448
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care

Rep. Jason Altmire, Pennsylvania 4th
DC Office Number: (202) 225-2565, DC Fax Number: (202) 226-2274
Local Office Number: (724) 378-0928, Local Fax Number: (724) 378-6171
Voted Yes on Stupak
Voted No on Health Care

Rep. Bart Gordon, Tennessee 6th
DC Office Number: (202) 225-4231, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-6887
Local Office Number: (615) 896-1986, Local Fax Number:
Chief of Staff: Donna Pignatelli email:
Voted No on Health Care

Rep. Brian Baird, Washington 3rd
DC Office Number: (202) 225-3536, DC Fax Number: (202) 225-2478
Local Office Number: (360) 695-6292, Local Fax Number: (360) 695-6197
Voted Yes on Stupak


Vickie said...

I tried calling ALLLLLLL the numbers in the lists....either got a busy signal or an answering machine that says it's full!