Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Brave New World

Why are there actual ideas floating around in our government that read something like the fiction I studied as a high school student? Here I am during naptime at my house. The floors are clean. Kids are snoozing. My headache is healing, so I sit down for a bit of web surfing. What's going on in the world today? Somehow I stumble onto such information as this:

The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) had their inaugural meeting last week to discuss primarily our failing economy and climate and energy research. Boring. Right?

THEN I learn a bit about a co-chair of this little panel, science-czar John Holdren. Among his many publications concerning an apparent favorite topic, overpopulation, Ecoscience (1977) is something to take note of. This man coauthored (with only 2 others) a book suggesting forced abortions and sterilization. More details can be found here. I'm all for free speech (unlike the White House) but if "intellectuals" want to study, encourage, publish...whatever this kind of extremist doctrine they should NOT be in a top, unchecked (he's a czar, remember??), position in our country.

Aaaaand the headache is back. Signing off...