Sunday, August 9, 2009

Environmentalism vs. The Family

An idea has been buzzing around in my head lately that continues to grow. It all started a few months ago when I was in Whole Foods to pick up a few specialty items that one of my kids needed. As I plowed over every thing and everyone with my seemingly over-sized, though really regular-sized, grocery cart loaded with my two children it dawned on me that the organic/eco-friendly/environmental pop-culture seen currently on the rise is not exactly family-friendly. To truly fit in there, I needed to only have a small basket in hand or one of those neat small basket holding carts. No space for babies in those.

While I was there, I noticed that it was almost dinner time. Since I was at a grocery store anyway, I thought I'd just find something quick and easy in the freezer section. There wasn't even a pizza large enough there to feed a family of four. Luckily, my kids are still very small so it was not an issue. I was bothered though and the wheels in my brain were definitely turning.

A month or so later I saw this study about eco-friendly cars. It only further convinced me that I should not put my babies in one of these. I think my jogging stroller could take the Smart car.

This was just crazy talk really, until the scales were tipped this week. A new study done at Oregon State University concluded that if people are really concerned about the environment, the best thing they can do is not reproduce. Forget the swirly lightbulbs, recycling, composting, or even using one of my favorite eco-friendly products - Glad Rags (insert sarcasm there). Just stop having kids. That will lower your "carbon legacy" far more.

People are seriously going to far. No need to be hard core scientific about it. Maybe people should stop reproducing so that we can have less poop on the planet. Clearly a new child has nothing to offer this world other than their waste?

So there you have it. Environmentalism is not family friendly. Since there is also a corrupt government political "save the environment" push moving forward and ridiculous programs like "Cash for Clunkers" are being embraced I'd have to say that our current government is also not family friendly. Add to that the potential for government takeover on our health care. Of course they had to write in counseling for the elderly about end-of-life care. There will be no younger generation to care for them!

On a slightly different, but related note I don't believe in "global warming" along with most of the studies out there on the topic. All science aside (and I am a fan of the science), I believe in Creationism. Since the Creator is all knowing, I think He knew the many ways we would "damage" the Earth He gave us. Do I think it is a gift we should value and take care of? Absolutely. I just also believe that the Earth has been built to last as long as He intends for His purposes. So while I try to be conservative (what's that word??), and I could do a lot better on our family's production of trash, I don't think that there is anything I can purchase at Walmart that is going to save the planet.


Vickie said...

I have to confess you have opened my eyes about the Whole Foods crowd. Though as I think about it now, I see how right you are.

But my favorite out of everything you said was about Walmart. Have I ever mentioned how much I HATE Walmart???

Anthony said...

Walmart should be fined for its excessive anti-environmentalism. When was the last time you were at Walmart at 11 pm? Huge carts with wide isles to accommodate the lady with her 7 carbon dioxide producing children that are up way too late!

Texas Blad's said...

I like Anthony's comment!haha.
I hadn't put my finger on it, like you did, but you are totally right- I think extremism in the US is very over-the-top in several areas, this one included!

Serena said...

Oh my. I still can't stop laughing about Glad Rags. Seriously. That is awesome!!!!!