Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer, Kids, Food, Elections, Etc.

Okay, I got a "where are you" message today, so I will take moment to come out of hiding. I'm here, just living life like everyone else. It's a busy time of year, especially when you have kids! In an effort to keep my children clear of Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" program, I've been parenting. Novel idea, right? You know, finding creative ways to be active while it's stifling outside: Swimming, visiting the zoo, splash pads, taking the time to cut fresh fruits and veggies...whew, that stuff adds up!

Programs like "Let's Move" drive me nuts. They illuminate two things: 1) the government really does think we're all morons who need direction in the most basic of parenting departments and 2) some of us really are morons. It looks like nothing more than an excuse to fund more welfare programs and put more money into union pockets. In the meantime, my grocery bill continues to skyrocket as punishment for attempting to purchase good food for my family with my own money. Really, now when my husband balks at how much I've spent on food, I simply say, "Gotta feed the other half babe." He knows it's true.

On to the real reason I blogged today. I'm struggling to find something clever to say after the second wave of primary elections we've had in the past few months. I just don't have a lot to say. I'm sort of in a "watch-read-learn-wait" mode. My goal is to follow the news and the blogs, attend any events I can, and read as many books as possible in preparation for November. I do believe a lot is at stake and I want more than ever to be an informed voter. I think my pals at playgroup enjoy the free information (maybe slightly biased) I pass on to them in casual conversation as well. :)

One website I've found that I think is helpful: Project Vote Smart. I like that you can look up current legislators and see their voting records. That's probably my favorite thing. You can get basic information about candidates, but the incumbent information is interesting.

What I will say about yesterday's primaries: I don't know much about Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina other than what I've picked up from business articles in the past - which was all very impressive. The news I've seen says they are moderate, but what does that mean...Obama ran like a moderate and he's the most liberal president we've ever had. I like that they are from the private sector. The private sector is key to our economic recovery and I'm hopeful that two women who have had to make tough choices in business will have the guts to make tough choices now in order to recover what remains of our country's future.

I'm also excited to see a Tea Party favorite, Sharron Angle, battle Harry Reid for his seat in November. The message of the Tea Party is resounding with the core of Americans and I think it will be an interesting race.

That's all I've are awake, play date is scheduled, gotta go put some little shoes on little feet!


Em said...

I'm with ya on the grocery bills. Sorry, but we don't eat chicken nuggets, fries, and oreos for every meal!

Also, we need to get you a nice headshot for your blog here. I can barely see you in this one! Let's do it.

bcmagg said...

haha, there we go.

Melissa Wilson said...

Thanks for the info on Project Vote Smart. I'm gonna go check that out!