Thursday, June 24, 2010

Money Talk

I have to take a minute before getting on with my busy day and post. This week's plea for Republican donations has reached a new level of ridiculousness.

The National Republican Senatorial Committee sent me a 2010 Election Year Gold Card. Yep, my very own card - that does nothing. It doesn't tap me into the magic pot of Obama money I've heard about or anything. It's just for carrying around and feeling super special about myself.

The accompanying letter is full of all the things I already know the Democrats are doing and an ongoing theme that my funds can actually do anything about it. Different varieties of "I am pleased to mark your place among the very top Republicans in Texas by awarding your official 2010 Election Year Gold Card" are rotated throughout the letter as well. This letter goes on and on about my ACCEPTING the Gold Card with an Emergency Campaign Gift of $100 or $200. Bad things are happening, we will fix them, here's your super special Gold Card for doing nothing, send us money.

The left seems so gimmicky with the promises they are always making. Here I am sitting on my high horse wondering who is more of a fool, the Democratic politicians making empty promises or the voters who believe it. I get relatively lame letters all the time and generally roll my eyes at them, but this one topped the cake from the Republicans. They think we're fools too. I kind of suspected, but this was a slap in the face.

Is it completely jaded of me that I don't believe for a minute that my $100 to the NRSC is going to make a difference? The last time they sent me a survey asking for a contribution I sent it back saying that I was already over budget on money I send to Washington. Seriously, if I could just have 50% of my taxes back I'd be more than happy to send someone $100.


bcmagg said...

I think you're right on. Great post!