Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What to Say?

I've been waiting to post something about this past weekend's health care bill vote in the House, but not much is coming to me. I surfed the web tonight reading about the topic here and there. I thought some bright inspiration would come. Something inspired, maybe? Here's what I came up with:

  1. The bill passed.
  2. 52% of Americans are still against it. (Rassmussen on Monday)
  3. Republicans still think there is hope that the Senate will listen to Americans and not pass the public option plan.
Who really knows on #3 considering that #2 has been the same for months and it didn't impact #1. That's all I have to say about that.


Vickie said...

I'm betting that the wear the bill out arguing back and forth from this point on, that the Senate and House simply won't find common ground. Here's hoping.