Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Letting A Little Light In

Grasping for straws? Maybe so, but it's hard not to be celebrating this morning after yesterday's election results. In case the good news hasn't found it's way to you, Republicans won the gubernatorial races in New Jersey and Virginia last night.

Many of the details are interesting, but some of my favorites:

  • Many of the voters interviewed who voted Republican called their vote a referendum on the White House. People are desperately trying to be heard.
  • This was Virginia (southern to some but definitely within the traditional MSM beltway due to it's access to D.C.) and New Jersey. Not Texas or Alabama or Utah. People all over the country are taking issue with the Administration.
  • The grassroots networking system that has produced large numbers at Tea Party movements mobilized from all over the country to get conservative voters to the polls. This is something Democrats have been doing for years with organizations like and finally Republicans wised up. Individuals from all of the country traveled to the northeast to volunteer their efforts in the campaigns. It's motivating to know that even though I live in a primarily conservative area I can make a difference somewhere else! If you can't travel, there are electronic phone databases that allow you to make campaign calls for another state from the comfort of your own home in say, Oklahoma.
Other good news that may be disregarded by the MSM - the NY-23 race for an open Congress seat. A mere 30 days ago there were 2 candidates. One Democrat, one Republican. In the past, I don't think voters have been paying a lot of attention to the flaws of their own candidate - which is probably how Republicans got into the position they are now. Not so here. She was a liberal Republican and the people called her on it. A man who was unknown a month ago entered the race as the Conservative candidate and ended up with 45% of the vote. Unfortunately, the Republican candidate only pulled out (and supported the Dem) last week so her name was still on the ballot and she took the 5% needed to win the race.

Still...the story has been fascinating me all month and the outcome last night holds a lot of promise in my mind. A message was sent to all politicians. Lazy liberal Republicans better watch out and Blue Dogs should think twice about voting for nonsense like the current healthcare bill.