Thursday, July 16, 2009

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Congressman John Fleming caught my eye for the first time this morning. The former physician has drafted a resolution requiring members of Congress who support healthcare reform that includes a public option to enroll themselves. You can go to The Center for Health Transformation's website to sign a petition in support of this resolution by clicking here.

As written, the current legislation exempts members of Congress from enrolling in the public option they are touting as the answer to all of our healthcare woes. Here's a short clip with Congressman Fleming with more:,24&itemid=199

Fleming's site also has a letter you can print out to send to your representative.

Seriously, this is keeping me up at night. The healthcare system makes up 1/5th of our economy. Government already has control over the banking and auto industry. What does this mean for us and our children? Don't even get me started on the 30 czars now running things. What about checks and balances??


Melissa Wilson said...

I am so glad you have this blog so you can do all of the worrying for me. :) Wait, that doesn't sound quite right...Well, thanks for giving me a heads up so I can do something about what is wrong with our country!