Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Birth of A Savvy Citizen

A phenomenon has happened in America. Aside from radio and TV personalities, conservatives abide by the strangest "rule" of not talking about politics. Ever. Bring up politics with the neighbors you're having over tonight? Bad. It's entirely okay for the entire belief system of a liberal to be plastered on the back of their car. Before you've even seen a person's face you know how they feel about spaying and neutering, coexisting, and saving the environment. (I could write an entire other post about how comical I think it is that somehow the liberals "own" the right to be concerned about these issues and conservatives are just jerks who let their pets reproduce, can't get along, and destroy the environment with their endless productivity...)

I hear these terms thrown around like "sleeping giant" and "silent majority." Well, it's time to wake up and make some noise. As a concerned citizen, I have become obsessed with current events and how they clash with how little I can remember of my government classes. Four key things are troubling to me and have prompted the start of this blog:

1. It looks as if politicians are coming as near to rewriting the Constitution of the United States as possible.

2. I don't feel well versed enough in the subject of politics to know for sure if that's really happening.

3. I get the distinct impression that the politicians are betting on #2 being true for most Americans.

4. I think the politicians are wrong about us.

Please join me on my journey as I try to wrap my head around what is happening, get a clue about how it happened, and figure out what we can do now.