Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I really felt for Hermann Cain last night while he was getting beat up for his 9-9-9 plan. As I've looked for feedback on the debate and his rising poll numbers, however, most of what I can find is all about his race instead of his credentials. Last night, Bill O'Reilly had two liberal black guests on his show who were slamming Cain and his betrayal of blacks. He is such an impressive person, not to mention a great example of the American dream, I can't imagine why blacks would put him down.

I thought this article by Charles Hurt in the Washington Times hit close to home on why the hate for Cain. It's edgy, no doubt. I think the author is mostly correct in his analysis, but I still found it a little uncomfortable to actually read the words. The truth just sounds so bad.

A snippet or two:

Liberals tolerate blacks and they endure conservatives. But they cannot abide a successful, independent-minded black who dares to step out of line and reject the enslavement of the Plantation Party.


It is because black conservatives — like all conservatives — reject the pact Democratic Party bosses have made with black voters. That pact is governed by two overriding commandments.

First, you shall always be dependent upon the government. Second, never shall you be encouraged to take risks or venture far enough away from the government to be independent and successful. You will forever be enveloped — or entangled — in a government safety net.

In return, these black voters are expected every Election Day to put aside their doubts, stifle their frustrations and forget their ongoing despairs and — like zombies — walk into the polling booth and once again pull the lever for the Democrats.

Um, yikes. Fierce but true or way off base?