Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CNN Tea Party Debate

I'm taking just 5 minutes to blog about last night's debate. I'll see if I can stick to that...

I missed the first hour, so my analysis is not truly complete and I can't break down every candidate as before. Partly because of time, but partly because we just didn't hear much of some of them, like Hermann Cain and Rick Santorum.

For the three front runners, I think it was a positive debate for Michelle Bachmann, negative for Rick Perry, and inconsequential for Mitt Romney. Bachmann played a feisty offense, Perry was on defense for most of what I saw, and Romney seemed about the same as always. If anything, I think the night of attacks on Perry may have helped Romney.

Ron Paul made some really good comments, my favorite regarding health care. He was asked what he thinks the fate of the uninsured should be when they get sick, specifically whether society should just let them die. His answer was really perfect. Saying that the government is not responsible for giving people a free ride when they fall on bad luck is not synonymous with saying society should turn their back. He cited how in the 60s these scenarios were dealt with by family, friends, neighbors, and the churches and it kept the costs of health care from exploding as they have now. I LOVE it when someone who has the stage says something I believe to the core. If our "society" of families, friends, neighbors, and churches would start watching out for each other again they would realize how unnecessary and ineffective the government is. Even if Ron Paul does not get the nomination, I am really glad he is running. He is doing a lot of good to help concerned citizens understand the consequences of abused government power.

There. That's all I've got for today. There is another debate September 22nd. I missed last week's because I knew there was one yesterday so when I heard about last week's I thought it was a mistake. No mistake, it is debate season in full swing so tune in!

Oh - just one other comment I have to make...the crowd last night, which I think was suppose to be Tea Party members was one of the rudest I've seen in a debate. They booed EVERYONE at one point or another I think. No respect at all. Not cool. Acting like Democrats or something...


shelby said...

just curious - do you also agree with Ron Paul's opinion of why 9/11 happened??

shelby said...

I'm guessing you watched the Fox News / Google debate. . . are you gonna put up a post about it? Just curious what you thought :) James doesn't like to talk politics - so i'm especially interested in your blog!