Wednesday, February 24, 2010

But I REALLY Need A Pony...

The title suggests what has been on my mind this week as President Obama unveiled his very own personal trillion dollar health care plan as the alternative to the other two similarly priced plans already on the table. On every side the people of America are saying "NO" to this. Not "no, thank you." People are screaming "NO!" from the rooftops, yet just like a child who is determined to break down their opposition, here he is again.

Tomorrow Obama is hosting a televised Health Care Summit where he plans to produce some sort of "bipartisan" charade to make it look like he really wants to consider outside ideas. It seems like a political setup to me and I find it all very troubling. The President has said that they will not start from scratch, so the starting point will be the current proposals. Given that everyone knows Republicans are not on board with those proposals it seems impossible for Republicans to not look like the "naysayers" Democrats are projecting them to be.

Further disturbing to me is that I believe every major speed bump for health care legislation by this administration has been the result of concerned citizens. I don't view any of the sitting Republicans as responsible for the difficulty Democrats are having in passing their socialized medicine framework. That being said, it seems more fitting for the President to take on his true critics - the citizens who have been writing the letters, sending the emails, and making the phone calls. Do the Republicans really know what we want? I have little faith that they will deliver tomorrow night, yet they are being posed as the only people against this legislation. I feel a underrepresented.

On that note, have you seen this? It's...interesting. I've had it emailed to me a few times and I'm not sure what I think. It was on the Fox News homepage today.