Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa in Washington

In the usual fashion of Handout Politics, it looks like Obama and his Democrats are trying to play Santa Claus this week. Tomorrow morning they will go through the motions and vote in the Senate on what appears to be an already done deal. I've deliberated on posting about this for weeks: What to say? As I watched the news this morning it hit me that there may be no stopping the reckless, liberal agenda in Washington no matter what the people of America want. I'm still holding out that this is not what Americans want, even if they voted for the people in charge.

I'll give my top arguments:

#1. An automatic 20% cut in Medicare reimbursements is on the table. After Medicare cuts are in force, insurance reimbursements will follow suit. Our economy is struggling with unemployment over 10%. This is not the time to make sweeping motions that cut profits in 17% of the economy by 20%.

#2. #1 brings me to my second argument which is really of equal weight. This is completely and utterly unconstitutional. The mere fact that the government has the power to simply destroy profits in the private sector would make the founders of our country roll over in their graves.

#3. Coverage for abortions. It's there. Taxpayers will be paying for it. Again, it is unconstitutional for the government to take my money and use it in such a vile manner. Abortion is such a hot button issue. The country has always been divided on the legality of it - but I hold out that even those who feel like women should have the right to an abortion do not want to pay for others to get one.

#4. Coverage for illegal immigrants. What to say...they already get care and don't pay for it. I guess this just burns me because it would legitimize their law breaking lifestyle (and encourage their allegiance to the Democratic party!) Dems have been pushing for illegals to have voting rights for years. This is nothing but purchased votes.

#5. Office of Minority Health. Look it up. It's a provision in the health care Christmas package that establishes new federal bureaucracies within 6 already existing health care agencies. So what, you say? It funnels money, in the form of federal grants, into such organizations as ACORN (and there are plenty of others who don't make the news) specifically marked for communities of color. How is racial tension EVER suppose to go away when "communities of color" is part of our legislative language to send money to specific racial groups?

#6. Just because I think it's funny, and sad - A provision is in the Senate bill that insurance plans covering dependents will be mandated to offer that insurance to "children" up to the age of 26. 26??? Get out of your mother's basement already, get a JOB, get your own insurance. This is the perfect example of government involvement breeding laziness and lack of accountability in the lives of Americans.


larshannon said...

When I read that children (26yr olds) would be covered I almost threw up in my mouth. At 26 I had a job, a home, and 2 kids. It isn't hard to work. You just have to do it.